About TERPS Dispensaries in MA

About two and a half years ago, a group of friends and occasional business associates discussed the burgeoning cannabis market. They talked about their personal connections to cannabis, their perspectives on the industry, and how they might approach opening a recreational dispensary in Massachusetts. By the end of the conversation, the alignment was palpable and a hypothetical conversation gave way to the now very real company, TERPS.

The founders were passionate about offering a distinctive and quality product and wanted to ensure that they had fresh and special recreational cannabis to offer in the marketplace. One of the founders had cultivation experience in another state and had done some R&D at his facility. He was particularly interested in a newly popular aspect of the plant that gave it its special smell and taste: the terpenes. 

Next, they began the complex process of securing licenses in Massachusetts along with the even more complex process of building an awesome team to support their lofty goals. Through their extensive personal and professional networks, they began outreach to build their corporate infrastructure. Organically, they assembled an incredible group of innovative people with varying business experience including gaming, engineering, public service, non-profit, aerospace, finance, cannabis and more. Though the team came from such disparate backgrounds, the synergy has been unparalleled.

There is a culture of respect, support, and transparency from the top down in the TERPS universe. You will usually find a group of people collaborating to accomplish things, from menial tasks to important ones. Everyone agrees that the devil is in the details and no decisions are made in a vacuum; rather, everyone shares ideas and the team rallies to make positive, strategic decisions. And there is also laughter. A LOT of laughter. With dispensaries in Attleboro and Wellfleet along with cultivation and manufacturing in 2022, the TERPS team is so excited to grow (literally and figuratively!).